FIRST eliminate your bad assumptions

Life’s not fair … it get’s harder when you are stupid … to minimimize your stupid, go back and eliminate all of your starting assumptions.

FIRST, realize what is going to have to happen in the BIG PICTURE

FOR EXAMPLE, in the Big Picture of the US agricultural industry, in order to be the superpower most of the rest of the world wants the US to be, the US needs to have an ultra-strong Defense. In accordance with long-term US strategic defense, the US is going to continue to use commodity food items as a weapon around the world to ensure that allies align with what the US generally wants and so those allies continue to get the few extra calories they need from CHEAP American grain, so that other nations can pay attention to their higher-valued spices / seasonings and fresher produce. In the BIG global picture, the US is going to continue to produce very inexpensive commodity grains which are delivered at almost no cost via large boats to any dock in the world. That’s what is going to happen in the BIG PICTURE in agriculture, so do NOT try to take on that freight train. That’s how it’s going to work … so don’t engage in any caterwaulin’ or excuses why your ideas won’t work. YOUR IDEAS HAVE TO WORK IN THE PRACTICAL REALITY OF WHAT ISit does not matter what you want; you have to look at what IS.