It is not one bit funny.

It is not one bit funny … but try to see the humor in it.

It is not one bit funny … God can see the humor in it, even when you refuse to.

Your stairs are trying to kill you.

Well, it’s not just your stairs … pretty much ever last thing in the world can be used as a weapon … even little viral particles, diseases … you are constantly under attack from things and you don’t even realize it.

Your immune system is actually really pretty remarkable … it is protecting you from all kinds of stupid shit that you are doing … but your immune system is not perfect; in fact, it has weaknesses that you could correct, but you are not going to do that because you are so stupid that you STILL believe that you are entitled to a STRONG immune systemyou might be entitled to death, but you are not entitled a STRONG immune system.

You are vulnerable, because you have not bothered to make yourself more PRACTICALLY unvulnerable … the PRACTICAL side of this matters because you have to focus on PRACTICAL things that will kill you … like your stairs … like pneumonia … like something that might induce a stroke or heart attack.

There are completely IMPRACTICAL worries that might live rent-free in your head. You might be programmed by your news garbage to worry about the Chinese OR aliens OR agents from your government are not going to bother with your idiotic ass. You don’t have to worry about that shit.

You do not have to worry about fighting the last war … or winning the War on Terrorism or fighting against Pablo Escobar … or winning the Korean or Vietnam Wars … or winning WW II or WW I. None of that shit really matters. You do not have to worry about the Chinese flying over and EMP bombing Pearl Harbor … OR the Chinese swarming down into North Korea … those old fights are PRACTICALLY irrelevant to your life.

The PROBLEM that you face is with YOU … right now, not some imaginary bogus enemy that your favorite fearmonger tell you about.

Maybe you can’t even do little things like push your physiology hormetically to live in the COLD … maybe you can’t forgo having utilities in order to save the money necessary to start businesses … maybe you can’t fight your way out of a comfortable wet paper bag because you are familiar and comforable with that bag.

Skip the clever bullshit phrases like “I’d rather be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war” That kind of stupid shit is for benzo-addicted morons.

The PROBLEM that you face is with YOU … nobody else really gives a shit – but they might be getting sick of you not seeing that your problem starts with you.

So work on YOU first. Don’t worry about becoming a GOAT like Khabib Nurmagomedov, right away … do not count that kind of thing for your particular pursuit out … IF YOU WORK AT IT, you will get there … but first, just work on YOU.

Work on YOUR focus on paying attention. Train, RECOVER in order to train, focus on the part of your training that is not about paying attention as you train.

YOUR stairs are trying to kill YOU.

Of course, we all know that is is not the stairs that are at fault; if you didn’t have stairs to climb, you would find a new way to put yourself at risk. It’s the same problem as with automobiles which are safer than ever, but more people die in automobile wrecks than ever because of the rise of distracted driving … it’s not just people inside automobiles, more pedestrians and bikers than ever before are getting mowed down by distracted drivers in safe automobiles and all the information and computing power those drivers could ever need right at their fingertips.

The problem is with YOU … and you generally not really paying attention OR you not having the proper perspective or taking the time to think about the BIG PICTURE.

The PROBLEM is with YOU … you lack of mindfullness thoughout the day … you might be really tough when you know something is coming … but the OTHER times, you cannot pay attention and BE PRESENT for the NOW that is around you … you long for the escape from NOW … stop it. Be PRESENT.

Build the discipline with EVERY step that you take, every move that you make … in order to build the discipline for next time to better pay attention to every step, to every move you make.